Monday, November 19, 2007

Popular culture

Last class on a Monday, Wednesday, and most irritatingly, Friday, is a group of nine boys ranging from 11 to 13 years old (Korean age). They are an absolute nightmare to teach: they tip their chairs and tables over by the minute; I'll glance away for one second, look back and find half the class have hidden round the corner, under the piano, in the shelves or behind the whiteboard (I ask them, "How old are you?" They reply, "I'm three years old"); they're constantly leaving the classroom to get water; they shout, they sing, and I have one boy who insists on rapping everything he says with the speed cranked up x1000. As amusing as this is, to exercise any control over them whatsoever is proving somewhat of a challenge, not to mention the fact that the range of their English levels is so vast that it is almost impossible to keep all of them occupied at the same time, give anyone attention without having the others throwing each other out of the windows, and actually give them any kind of education.

However there is one positive side to this group of raucous boys: I do get to keep up with all the latest Korean pop songs. Whether or not this is a blessing (highly debatable as you will see), I certainly cannot escape the tunes of "Tell me, tell me, t-t-t-t-t-tell me" (complete with dance routine), and "I'm so sorry but I love you, blah blah blah blah..." that fill my classroom with untuneful pre-pubescent voices.

Tell Me - Wondergirls

Lies - Big Bang

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