Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The art of paper folding

Stationery shops are rife. They are each filled with more pink and sky-blue (a term that is unavoidable among kindergarten children) than Mothercare and more broken-English slogans than you can so much as put two fingers to your throat. (Right: Happiness seems far but sometimes it is at your doorstep)

Admittedly much of the stock is Made in China - as the majority of goods around the world is - but there are still a fair amount of these cutesy office supplies that are genuine Korean merchandise. A particular favourite brand of stationery to be found across the country/city/your local street is Morning Glory: all your pencil case fillers to be found with excessive numbers of cartoon characters and delightful scripts littered upon them.

But wander into Paperchase back at home and you are bound to find much the same products, albeit slightly more tasteful and for a seemingly older audience. What you don't find are rows upon rows of origami paper, in a multitude of different sizes, a plethora of different colours, shades and textures, and an abundance of different paper folding instructions depending on the pack you decide to buy. It is thus that I am now able to relive my misspent childhood years, spending hours cramping my fingers as they dwindle into a realm where everything is made from paper...

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