- They've put money into the school only for it to close down three months before graduation (yes, kindergarten students "graduate" - with a ceremony and mortar boards and everything);
- To find a new school now would mean that the children would go in at the wrong level because they've not completed the year;
- They worry that if the teachers are in the knowledge that the school is going to close then they won't do their jobs as effectively (true story - evaluation cards have been scrapped this month along with those extra meetings where we discuss all the kids individually, we've been going to lessons late and ignoring the bells...); and worst of all,
- If the school does stay open in December, they don't want to pay! Not pay?! That would totally defeat the object of keeping the school open!
School aside, I went to Nowon this evening (a district just a short distance from where I'm currently living) primarily to get some contact lenses as I've managed to split the only two pairs that I brought with me. Going to Nowon especially for this reason was a bit unnecessary since there are glasses shops all over Seoul (in fact there were three in sight of the one that I went to), but I went with a couple of Korean teachers at school who acted as interpreters which was very helpful, not knowing the words for "prescription" or "soft/hard lenses" or "glasses" myself.
Ate dinner in Lotte; had some kind of steamed pork dish (보쌈) which was delicious, along with all the compulsory sides (Lauren wouldn't think so not liking fat on her meat, see left)
But the real highlight of my trip out was seeing this: a bleach blonde Korean dude selling scrawny straggly looking rabbit-kittens. I picked one up that was running away, but accidentally dropped it. I won't tell the kids that...and I think Lauren will be appalled (not at me, the guy selling, obviously... ^^)
I am appalled! How dare u call the rabbit seller a man, looks like a girl to me! ;)
ps - first u drop my candy wand and then a rabbit...what next, a child?!?
hahaha, Tor deserved that :)
I'd honestly totally forgotten about Tor! That makes it even funnier!
What was the 'highlight' of the trip? Not dropping the rabbit I hope!
No! But seeing the rabbits...I thought they were wind-up toys as first... The highlight wasn't necessarily a good thing...just an occurrence out of the ordinary...
Whilst dropping living things isn't out the ordinary for you...
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