Today wasn't so bad though. For one, it was Friday. That means, for those of you unsure of your days of the week, it's Saturday tomorrow. And THAT means: no school tomorrow. Or the day after that. So maybe with that in mind there wasn't the stress of, "Eugh">, the week STILL isn't over," because it was. W00t.
* Lauren and I both made animal puppets which induced much animal sound making. You know Korean people say mung mung mung for a dog, and nyaong for a cat?
* I spent the afternoon making several versions of "Grandma's House" which I'll get the kids to make on Monday. It's exciting - you open the door and there's Grandma with all her stuff.* Olive, our Korean co-teacher/babysitter, made a duck mask, and modelled it beautifully. See the picture.
* It was one of the other teacher's birthdays today, so we had real Domino's pizza. Made a change from sloppy Korean style kimchi pizza. And we ate with our hands; not chopsticks and a spoon!* We witnessed some major dodgy advertising by a couple with clown faces and crazy costumes. The picture just doesn't do it justice.
* Lauren and I headed to Can More to swing in the swing chairs and cosy up with some fruit, yoghurt and cornflakes. Ah, with a side dish of toast and cream. Bit of a couples paradise this one.
A comparatively fun day, but I'm definitely running on overdrive now. Been waking up every day this week without fail having emerged from one bizarre dream or another. Something to do with sleep cycles or whatever; perhaps my alarm is set for that particular hour where I'm in the dreaming stage. I'm not expert, but it might be nice to sleep through them tomorrow and wake up not remembering what my subconscious has managed to dream up for me. Ha ha.
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