Saturday, December 22, 2007

We apologise for the delay...

So as I forced myself to relax as we missed the turnoff for the airport, it was futile once I realised my flight home has been delayed by one and half hours.

Hence, the increased facebook activity and pointless blog post.

So. News. Ha!
  1. "Happy Birthday Jesus!" we exclaimed into a video camera, approached by churchy types on the street in exchange for free choco pies.
  2. Being such a frequent goer of the PC방, they made me a member, lol. Now I get to clock up mileage points, or something. And since I don't know my address, they just filled that part in with PC Bang. Ha ha.
  3. Saw Ghost for the first time last night in the DVD방. Despite despair at the cheesiness, I cried as Patrick leaves Demi forever...
  4. I have 1 minute left of my time online at the airport. Guess I'd better wrap up this thrilling entry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thrilled, fo' su'