Nevertheless, I write up the day's events, bleary eyed and irritated by the guy next door. Slept through my hangover this morning, to be forced out of bed by the cable guy coming to disconnect my internet. *Sniff*.
OK. I'm over it. Really. ^^
Anyway, I didn't make it to graduation, but since none of my kids were graduating it was pointless for me to go, except maybe for the amusement of seeing seven year olds dressed up in gowns. I did turn up at school near the end of the ceremony to wait for Lauren, but I opted to hang out in the Teachers Room (where the few teachers that had made it automatically went to their ex-desks...) I stole the "What's The Time Mr Wolf?" book that I'd seen lying around - an exciting childrens story with a puppet wolf resembling a black, snappy Badger out of the Bodger and Badger duo. I'd had my eye on that for a while, so I was secretly glad the school closed so I could have it. Jokes. ^^
Lauren and I headed for Yongsan where we went for a job interview. We liked the layout of the school but there are some serious power-tripping women in this country, as the principal made it perfectly clear that she would consider our applications along with all the other interviewees she is seeing this week. Still, hopefully we'll hear back from her soon with a reply, whatever that may be. It was strange since we didn't really find out any information about the school though it seemed decent enough, but nor did she really ask us any questions about ourselves.
Slightly bemused by the fifteen minute 'interview', we headed out in search of some fun. It felt as though we had all the time in the world to play with, and we wanted to make the most of this. Of course this isn't true - we really ought to be getting a new job ASAP, but why waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon job hunting when we could be outside enjoying the non-icy cold weather?
On the subway tonight I found a newspaper entitled "The Learning Times" - a newspaper for learning English. This weekend's feature article was part of a script from Sex in the City with Korean translation. Interesting vocab you could pick up there...
Tomorrow we're off to one of the US Army bases to remind ourselves of Western food and English literature. In fitting with the theme of the day we're meeting our army guy - the only one we've met so far - at Starbucks. Should be a blast.
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Have you tried for MSN?
you should look up the difference between "principle" and "principal"!
1. Yes, and have been using it, but I just find it irritating that it doesn't tell you when someone's said anything cos I tend to turn the annoying sound off. Just a minor complaint.
2. Yeah, I know it, I guess I forget it sometimes. I'm an idiot.
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