Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Remember the principal of that school that was considering buying out our old school? The one that sparked reactions of, "She sounds like all the nightmare hagwon bosses that you read about on Dave's rolled into one" and "I don't even know her but I want to kill her for you" one? Well...

We got a text from our old vice principal saying that this woman asked us if we wanted to work at her other kindergarten school. The v.p., as she will now be referred to, said "I doubt you will, but her number is..." Remembering the hate we felt for this woman when we interviewed with her last I text back essentially saying, "Thanks, but no thanks".

As we found our job hunt to be reaping less than favourable opportunities, we thought on reflection that it wouldn't hurt to check out her other school. The principal picked us up from our apartment and drove us down the road to her Korean kindergarten. She said that she felt really awful about the situation with her hagwon and that since the interview she'd not been able to get our images out of her head. It is thus that she wants to introduce English teaching into this other kindergarten.

So we went from her immense disdain for our lack of experience and qualifications, to wanting us to design a whole new curriculum for her whole school! It seems like a good opportunity - we will be involved in choosing the books for the children, we will get our own classrooms, as a kindergarten there is a multitude of teaching resourses; it means we will still be able to live in the same area, but it's on a more central subway line and in a busier area; and on meeting her twice more, we realise that the evil bitch principal is actually a nice woman but her English proficiency sometimes lets her down.

Working in a Korean school might mean that we can pick up more of the language as well since we won't be banned from speaking it, but it will also mean that communicating with other teachers will be more difficult since they don't speak any English themselves.

Anyway, the job hunt continues, but at least this is a possibility. And to be honest, we're in no hurry to jump back into employment right away...

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