Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For the benefit of Cat,

who I know is a big fan of the cheesy K-pop, I post these videos.

Not quite a Tell Me hit, but heard regularly enough throughout shopping centres to get painfully stuck in one's head, the first is L.O.V.E. by Brown-Eyed Girls. This is an apparent attempt at introducing Electronica into the pop scene, though whether they have succeeded or not is largely debatable.

Second we have a long time favourite by Korea's favourite "hip-hop" group Big Bang: Last Greeting. Again, hence the inverted commas, hip-hop is a term loosely related to anything with vague amounts of rap, so the genre is open to dispute. Nevertheless, this one I've been searching for for a while, so it is with great honour that I share it with you :)

Cat, I hope you enjoy, as well as the rest of you cheesy poppin' fans out there.

The more prevalent purpose of this post is due to the fact that I am alone in the school with nobody but the non-English speaking art teacher (a very nice girl, but conversation is a tad stunted...and mostly in Korean if that gauges the level of communication), while the kids and teachers alike have gone off for a picnic. This field trip was ironically postponed a couple of weeks ago due to bad weather, though I couldn't help noticing that really huge downpour a few minutes ago.

I had to stay behind due to the one 50 minute class I have to teach this afternoon to a bunch of elementary kids. I'm sure they're all off having fun (I'm not bitter, really^^), but I'm kind of enjoying the time off lounging about with lesson plans, coffee and the internet out of the rain...

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