Suwon is another city just south of Seoul, but is still covered by the subway line so made for an easy day trip. Even though it still has a backdrop of high rise apartment blocks, it felt less manic than downtown Seoul with a far more friendly atmosphere to the place. Our taxi driver over to the fortress was certainly very excited to find some Brits to talk footie with, opposed to the Americans/Canadians he said there was lots of (and there are. I think I've met a mere two fellow UK citizens since being in Korea). Not that he was getting much more than smiles and nods of agreement, the driver seemed happy enough to be chatting away to us in Korean.
Anyway, the fortress wall is pretty much fully intact (though naturally it has been restored since its construction in 1794) and makes a complete loop of the inner city. It took us a couple of hours to do the walk at a relaxed pace.
There were several men wandering round in traditional guard-like garb, as well as couples and families alike making the most of the beautiful Saturday afternoon.
Ladies smell the springtime flowers while shading themselves from the harsh sun with a parasol. Wouldn't want to upset that sought-after pure white skin.
Old men (and less old men) can be seen all over Seoul - evidently in Suwon too, and I guess the rest of the country - working out in these public parks with the free exercise equipment.
Coming face to face with this guy through a window gave us both a shock as we were walking round on opposite sides of the wall. Him more so when I got out my camera.
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